My loyal readers .

Monday, March 18, 2013

Be confident

Loving the tops " Geek "  - Topshop  

Everyone sure has a little bit of a geek inside of them.
It's up to you to admit it.

Well, everyone has their own Strengths and Weaknesses.
We waste too many days comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be them.
But its only when you truly accept what you are and - what you are not then you can truly succeed.
Because nobody can use your flaws against you if you yourself have accepted them , right?

Be confident !!
I mean sure you have your weakness and flaws but who doesn't?
As long as you are confident in everything you do then there's no sweat.

I mean nobody's perfect right? If someone insist they are then ask them to try to walk on water . 

If you take in every critisicm and turn in into something negative and be like :
" Walao, why is she/he laughing at me? "
" Waa. Why did she say i'm like this like that oh"
"Cheh, she/he thinks she so smart meh? "
Etc etc etc 

It just shows how INSECURE a person is .
You know in chinese ,自卑?!

Instead .
You should think like this.
" Alah, she's laughing at me because she preventing herself from crying tears of sadness because I'm better than her :P "
" Yes, I am like this, like that , like this. If not? Like her/him meh? thinks they're all that?"
" She is smart so? I am also better at her in other this ma"

HAHAHA. Sounds cocky.
But well, YOLO.
" You only live once"

Live the best out of it.

Remember, you can never please society , So why bother ? 


'because God made you this way for a reason, and He only creates the best of the best'